
School of Library and Information Science




  • 完全在线课程,没有九游会国际要求
  • Accredited by ALA and CAEP
  • Evening classes meet in virtual classrooms
  • 必修课在秋季和春季开课,很多在夏季开课
  • 英国研究 offered each summer in London.


MLIS Required Courses (25学时):

  • LIS 500-LIS Orientation (*1 credit hour)
  • LIS 501-Reference and Information Sources
  • LIS 505-Cataloging and Classification
  • LIS 511-Collection Development and Management
  • LIS 605-图书馆管理
  • LIS 668-LIS 研究 Methods
  • LIS 695 Master's 研究 Project

LIS 636--Foundations of Librarianship is recommended for those with no library 经验.

Graduate Certificates do not require additional hours, but require an additional capstone 经验.

Electives (15 credit hours) - students may select from a range of elective courses ranging from children's literature to information technology to archival theory and 实践. 五门选修课之一必须是技术课程:LIS 516, 557,或 558.

Successful completion of the comprehensive exam in LIS 695 is required to receive 硕士学位. 鼓励很少或没有图书馆经验的学生 参加档案实习(LIS 648)和/或图书馆实习(LIS 689).


MLIS Plans of Study


Professional Licensure Disclosure

The curriculum for a number of degree programs at Southern Miss have been designed to meet the licensure/certification requirements in Mississippi, and prepare students to sit for licensure exams in Mississippi. The various licensure boards in each state are responsible for setting requirements for licensure/certification in their state. Distance students with intent of returning or moving to any state other than Mississippi should be aware of the unique requirements for that state.

MLIS with School Licensure emphasis (AA Level)

To obtain a public school license following completion of this program, students may first obtain school licensure in Mississippi then apply for a license in their state of residence if it allows for reciprocity. Each state has specific requirements for licensure: some examples of additional requirements are additional coursework, distinct test scores, and criminal background checks. We are unable to determine if this program 会在密西西比州以外的州获得执照吗.

For questions regarding licensure, contact the state Department of Education listed at http://www2.ed.gov/about/contacts/state/index.html

To request consideration for recommendation for AA School Librarian licensure in Mississippi, contact the School Director. 计划在图书馆使用硕士学位的学生 and information science for Class AA licensure should complete the following recommended 除了MLIS必修的核心课程外:

  • LIS 589: School 图书馆实习 with or instead of LIS 511: Collection Development
  • LIS 508: 学校图书馆
  • LIS 516: Technology in the School Library
  • LIS 607: School Library and the Curriculum
  • Choose two of the following three courses: LIS 517: Children's Literature, LIS 518: 青少年文学,或LIS 590:图书馆指导.

Supplemental Endorsement for School Library Licensure (AA Level for those with MLIS or other master's degree)

SLIS offers a 21-credit hour Supplemental Endorsement to add to an existing teaching 凭证. If interested in the endorsement, contact Dr.% 20史黛西% 20粗纱架.

Required Courses: 21 Credits

  • LIS 505:编目和分类(先决条件)
  • LIS 511:馆藏发展和/或LIS 589:学校图书馆实习
  • LIS 508: 学校图书馆
  • LIS 516: Technology in the School Library
  • Choose two: LIS 517: Children's Literature, LIS 518: Young Adult Literature, or LIS 590: Library Instruction.
  • LIS 607: School Library and the Curriculum


Graduate Certificates

学生可以在获得MLIS或MLIS后获得研究生证书. 十二个 credit hours of LIS credit may count toward both MLIS and LIS certificate if earned 在一起:






500. Library and Information Science Orientation. 1 hr. An orientation to the School of Library and Information Science MLIS program and to librarianship in general.

501. Reference and Information Sources. 3小时. An introduction to reference materials, services, activities, and functions, as well as methods for locating information.

505. Cataloging and Classification. 3小时. 图书馆资料编目分类的原则与方法. 提供了 练习书目描述和主题分析.

506. Cataloging Multimedia Objects. 3小时. Prerequisite: LIS 505. 研究描述性的原理和方法 以及多媒体资料的主题编目和分类.

508. 学校图书馆. 3小时. 学校图书馆的发展与管理研究.

511. Collection Development and Management. 3小时. Philosophy and principles governing the selection and procurement of all types of library materials, including the use of selection aids and bibliographic sources 用于发展印刷和非印刷收藏品.

516. Technology in the School Library. 3小时. A survey of technology utilized in elementary and secondary school 库.

517. Children's Literature and Related Media. 3小时. 儿童文学的调查,传统和现代,以及其他相关的 供出生至六年级儿童使用的材料.

518. Young Adult Literature and Related Media. 3小时. 青少年文学:青少年文学和其他相关材料的研究,供青少年使用 with young people of grades 7-12.

519. 项目 and Services for Youth. 3小时. Introduction to programming for youth and its relation to learning and 库.

528. 讲故事. 3小时. A study of oral tradition in a variety of 设置 with emphasis upon selection 讲故事的艺术和技巧. 提供了 实践 in storytelling.

533. History of the Book. 3小时. A study of the origins and early development of books and printing in Western Europe and the Americas.

540. 信息伦理. 3小时. 介绍与信息专业相关的道德问题 and information technology.

545SL. 多元文化社会的信息来源. 3小时. 概述可在印刷和信息资源的多样性 other media for a multicultural society and the diversity of information utilization 由那个社会.

557. Information Technology and Libraries. 3小时. Examines various applications and contexts in which computers and other forms of information technology are utilized in different types of information centers and 库.

558. Web Design and Evaluation. 3小时. Introduces principles of Web design and development including basic HTML and XML coding, Web usability, and evaluation of Web sites including library Web sites.

575. Library and Information Science Seminar. 1 hr. 与图书馆和信息科学相关的交替主题.

580CA. 英国研究:英国图书馆、档案馆和特别收藏. 3小时. 图书馆和信息机构的比较或历史研究; collections, models of service, or professional 实践 in the United Kingdom.

581CA. 英国研究:儿童与青少年文学研讨会. 3小时. 深入研究英国文学兴趣的特定主题 children and adolescents.

586CA. 英国研究:儿童文学的历史研究. 3小时. 追溯英国和美国儿童文学的发展 States to the early 20th century.

587CA. 英国研究: 研究. 3小时. To provide the opportunity for in-depth research projects using the resources of metropolitan London and/or the United Kingdom.

589. School 图书馆实习. 1 - 3小时. 前提条件:LIS 508和LIS 516或导师同意. 提供了 在学校图书馆实习的机会.

590. Library Instruction. 3小时. 信息素养与书目学的原理与方法研究 instruction in 库.

605. 图书馆管理. 3小时. 图书馆管理理论与管理原则分析.

607. School Library and the Curriculum. 3小时. Prerequisite: LIS 508. 检查图书馆程序的关系 学校课程,强调学校图书管理员的作用.

609. Seminar in 图书馆管理. 3小时. Prerequisite: LIS 605. 浅析图书馆管理中存在的问题 programs such as planning, organizing, staffing, funding, or use of evaluation standards.

629. Studies in Children's Literature. 3小时. Prerequisite: LIS 517 or 518. Advanced study and evaluation of children's literature and publishing trends in the field.

631. History of Libraries and Librarianship. 3小时. A study of the origins and development of modern public, academic, and school 库 as well as the development of librarianship as a modern profession.

634. History of Children's Literature. 3小时. 追溯英国和美国儿童文学的发展 States to the early 20th century.

636. Foundations of Librarianship. 3小时. Examines the history and present state of librarianship and the ethics, values, and issues of the profession.

640. 高校图书馆. 3小时. 高校图书馆的建设与管理.

641SL. 公共图书馆. 3小时. 公共图书馆的发展与管理. 公共场合的问题 图书馆服务.

642. 特殊的库. 3小时. 企业特色图书馆的建设与管理 institutions, and government agencies.

645. Digital Preservation. 3小时. A comprehensive overview of digital preservation from conceptual understandings 规划、开发和管理数字馆藏的关键问题.

646. Introduction to Archival Theory and Practice. 3小时. Introduction to Archival Theory and Practice. 3小时. An introduction to the basic concepts and theory related to the acquisition, processing, organization, and 档案资料和特殊藏品的保存..

647. Introduction to Archival Organization. 3小时. Basic instruction on the organization, arrangement, and description of materials of archival significance.

648. 档案实习. 2 - 4小时. 前提条件:LIS 647或导师同意. 提供了 an opportunity 专门收藏和档案业务的监督实践.

649. Preservation of Documentary Materials. 3小时. 对各种形式的文献资料的保护和保存 包括保护、保存和修复技术.

651. Fundamentals of Information Science. 3小时. 先决条件:LIS 501, LIS 505, LIS 511与“B”或更好,或许可 的教练. Examines the evolution of information science, communication and information 理论,信息组织与检索,文献计量学. 建议 it not be taken concurrently with LIS 668.

652. Metadata for Digital Collections. 3小时. Prerequisite: LIS 505. 元数据在数字资源中的应用概述 in 库, archives, and museums.

653. Library and Information Database Systems. 3小时. Prerequisites: LIS 505 and LIS 557. Foundation of constructing library and information databases, impacts of bibliographic standards, library functions and interconnectedness 对这些数据库的应用,以及评价和测量.

654. E-Resources Management. 3小时. 前提条件:LIS 557和LIS 605或教师的许可. 规划、 implementation, and management of electronic resources in various library and information 设置.

656. Online Information Retrieval. 3小时. Prerequisite: LIS 501. 与在线资源相关的应用和问题 目前可用的.

664. Government Resources and Publications. 3小时. 研究地方、州和联邦政府的资源、出版物和 bibliographic organization.

667. 卫生信息学. 3小时. 提供健康信息学概念和工具的概述.

668. 图书馆情报学研究方法“,. 3小时. 先决条件:LIS 501, LIS 505, LIS 511“B”或以上. Survey of scientific research methods and their application to the field of library and information science. 不能在同一学期同时报读LIS 668和LIS 695.

670. Topics in Services to Library Clientele. 3小时. The role of 库 in meeting informational and recreational needs of library users, lifelong learning, services to special groups, and popular culture collections.

675. Seminar: Topics in Organization of Materials. 3小时. Alternating 主题s, including indexing, abstracting, advanced database tools, 元数据、数字图书馆和其他相关主题.

689. 图书馆实习. 2 - 4小时. 前提条件:实习协调员的许可. 提供了 an opportunity for supervised 实践 in a library.

691. 研究 in Library Science. 1 - 6小时. Prerequisite: Permission of director. Independent research on an approved 主题.

692. 特殊问题. 1 - 3小时. 由主任批准的独立问题研究报告.

694. 现场的问题. 3小时. Prerequisite: Permission of director. Practical 经验s in dealing with 外地的问题情况和有关的机构设置.

695. Master's 研究 Project. 3小时. 前提条件:完成所有必修课程LIS 501, 505, 511, 605, 636, 651, 668 with minimum B, no Incompletes on transcript, completed at least three approved LIS electives prior to enrollment. Original research project and paper dealing with a specific problem or issue in the field of library and information science under 老师的监督.

697. Independent Study and 研究. 时间安排. Not to be counted as credit toward a degree. Students actively working on a thesis, consulting with the major professor, or using other resources of the university may enroll in this course.

698. Thesis for Students in Dual Master's Program. 3 - 6小时. 图书馆学双硕士课程的学生应报名参加 完成LIS论文要求. Requires permission of director.


在线= Courses taught completely online
ARR = 安排,特别许可课程,个别,有特殊要求


School of Library and Information Science

129 Fritzsche-Gibbs Hall
118大学博士. #5146
Hattiesburg, MS 39406



